

LetUmGrow is a social network for plants located on the UH Manoa Campus.

Looking for a specific plant or want to learn more about a plant that you've seen? Our interactive map displays the location of nearby plants and links to each plant profile.

Spotted a new plant on campus? Create a profile page for that plant and add updates to its feed, like pictures or statuses. Keep track of plants in your garden or view what plants are on your favorite hike with LetUmGrow. Who knows, there might even be a reward waiting for you if you do!

Guided Tour


Start by clicking on the login button and entering your credentials.



After agreeing to terms of service you can either navigate the app through the dropdown menu at the top or through the links within the description.



The tutorial page displays the process of how to use the LetUmGrow app.


Add Plant

Ready to add a plant to the map? You can add a newly planted plant or even a plant that has not been identified on the map yet! Use the form below to add a plant to the database if you know its latitude and longitude coordinates. Don't know the coordinates? It's okay, you can press the 'Use current location' button to request your device's current location (if it has location functionality enabled) or just tap a point on the map to use the coordinates at that location. Entering the plant's name, scientific name, and description is optional.


Plant Map

Now you can add points to LetUmGrow's database of plants by clicking on the map and also drag these points to change them! These points are saved to the List Plants form below where you can edit the point's plant information and view it's longitude/latitude coordinates. Click on the 'Satellite' tab on the lop left of the map to make it easier to view plant locations!.

Add_Plants_Page Add_Plants_Page

List Plants

These are all the plant locations saved to the plant map. Feel free to edit a plant's data (by clicking on the 'Edit' button) to better describe a plant!

Add_Plants_Page Add_Plants_Page

If you click on the 'Profile' button in the bottom left-hand corner of a plant listed, you will be taken to that specific plant's profile


Plant Profile

The Plant Profile contains specific information about a certain plant and it's location on the map.

Add_Plants_Page Add_Plants_Page

The Plant Profile also contains a link the the relevant Species Profile, if the same scientific name is present in the Species Database.

Species Database

The Species Database contains an extensive list of species of plants found locally.


By clicking on the scientific name of any card, you can view the species profile page.

Species Profile Page

Each species in the database has its own profile page, with further information about that type of plant, including a large field for plant desciption.

Species_Profile_Page Species_Profile_Page

Edit Species Page

Each species profile is fully editable, and you may provide an example picture of the species via hyperlink. The picture will be displayed in the species profile page, as well as the full species list.

Edit_Species_Page Edit_Species_Page

This page may be accessed from both the species profile and the list of species.

User Profile

The User Profile allows you to view and edit specific information associated with your account.


The User Profile keep track of your list of Contacts, and maintains a list of all the Plants that you have added.


The Remedy page is a reference to Lāʻau Lapaʻau (Hawaiian Plant Medicine) remedies, materials needed, and procedures of preparation and application. Techniques used in Lāʻau Lapaʻau are also included as well. Click on dropdown items to view the content. Knowledge of these remedies were passed on from Kumu Levon Ohai to Kumu Keoki Baclayon who currently teaches Lāʻau Lapaʻau at several University of Hawaii campuses as of 2016.

Remedy_Page Remedy_Page Remedy_Page


The FAQ page contains frequently asked questions separated in sections site, accounts, and mobile. Simply click on the item you prefer to view and it's contents will show in a drop-down.



The users page allows you to change the role of a user; eventually this will be an admin only page.


Developer Guide

This guide assumes that you have downloaded and installed Meteor and have a GitHub account.

Build Application

Navigate to 'app' directory of the LetUmGrow repository in the commandline and run the commands below.



If all goes well, the application will appear at http://localhost:3000. You should see the landing page of the LetUmGrow application as shown below (to login you will need a account). If it does you can now edit the app in your IDE and send pull requests to the owners with the hope that your contribution can help LetUmGrow continue to GROW!



Team Coordination

The LetUmGrow team uses a combination of slack, google apps, and github to schedule meetings and coordinate tasks.

Initial User Study

Test User 1

User Bio
  • ICS student at UH West Oahu and previously, Leeward Community College
  • Fellow team member on other app development projects (including at least one with map functionality)
  • Had an interest in a Plant Database for the Leeward Community College Campus
  • Study Method
  • Solicited feedback over chat after adding them to the list of users and sending a link
  • Got feedback by email
  • Feedback
  • Liked the tutorial page
  • Some of the remedies sounded ‘like torture’
  • Wanted clarification on Plant ID page mockup and if it displayed individual plants said it looked like there should be clickable links
  • Putting users in a different table for security reasons

  • Test User 2

    User Bio
  • ICS student at Leeward Community College
  • Interested in plants
  • Study Method
  • Solicited feedback over messaging after adding them to the list of users and sending a link
  • Got feedback by email
  • Feedback
  • Reluctant to log in using UH credentials, since they were unfamiliar with the CAS login
  • Asked if there was a default login or something else they could use besides UH
  • Had feedback on clarifying the TOS (4.1, 9.1, 9.3, 10.2)

  • Test User 3

    User Bio
  • Professor at UH Manoa
  • Kumu Lāʻau Lapaʻau (Hawaiian Plant Medicine)
  • Study Method
  • Shared website and discussed in person
  • Feedback
  • Gave corrections about some Hawaiian remedies
  • Did not get to navigate whole app, could be more user friendly with instructions
  • Suggested a plant scanner or identification tool

  • Test User 4

    User Bio
  • Landscaping/Grounds and Maintenance staff
  • Maintains landscaping plant map
  • Will probably collaborate more with them on further updates to LetUmGrow
  • Study Method
  • Emailed login information
  • Discussed changes in person
  • Feedback
  • See tree plotter
  • Have links on landscaping map to send prepopulated emails about the status of a plant
  • Network with Jason Leigh (ICS professor who does data visualization with LAVA)
  • The app has a lot of potential for many different users

  • Test User 5

    User Bio
  • Fellow ICS 314 Student
  • Study Method
  • Shared website and discussed in person
  • Feedback
  • Liked the graphic design
  • Noticed that they could log in despite not being on the list

  • Check out our progress!

  • Milestone 1:
  • Milestone 2:
  • Milestone 3:
  • Milestone 4:
  • Milestone 5:
  • Milestone 6:
  • Need help?

    Email Matthew Schultz - with any questions or concerns.